29 January 2013
The Fir Tree by Hans Christian Andersen. Illustrated by Sanna Annukka. We got this book in December, actually, my husband wanted it for Christmas. It was a good choice. I've been inspired by it ever since I opened it. Sanna Annukka's illustrations are remarkable. I love the gold foil on the green linen cover as well. It's a beautiful little book.
My goal for this year, and it will take a year, is to make stockings for my daughters using inspiration from this book. I've never quilted before, but I want to patch quilt triangles of fabric in various patterns and colors for each of my daughters. White wool felt backing and fold-over flap with their names stitched on the flap. I also want to figure out how to incorporate a cross stitch of each of them. I'm still in the thinking stage. I've been thinking since December. This is why this project will take a year ;)
24 January 2013
Braintree has officially begun. My friend Dallas has started a fantastic space and place for creativity and learning to dwell. He's asked several friends, and let me just say that this is a guy that knows many, MANY people. He not only knows them, he keeps track of their goings on. He's truly a wonder to me. I don't know how he keeps up on so many people and all while being so very sincere and loving. But he and his friend Paul have asked a handful of their friends to participate in teaching something that they love, do, or know a bit about... whatever it may be. You can go on their site and see their first batch of classes available. You can also sign up to be a teacher or make a teacher or class suggestion if you'd like.
These are one session classes that are cost effective and above all fun. I'm teaching a craft class on February 6th at 8:00 p.m. We will be making Valentine's Garlands, much like this one that I made last Easter.
I'm really excited to be a part of his new project because when Dallas has an idea, it's sure to be big and great fun. Hooray for Dallas and Paul!
If you're local, and interested, click here to sign up. Maybe I'll see you there ;)
03 January 2013
After packing away our Christmas decorations I feel like my house is completely bare. Just lacking. But that feeling lasts for about a day and then I feel like I want to organize and refresh everything around me. CLEAN SLATE.
There are lots of projects to decrease the clutter from the previous year. Most importantly, I want to purge the toys and the craft drawer. I want to clean out the refrigerator, refresh the junk drawer and our basement storage room. The garage is another big one.
But what are some of the little things that I can do to make our space feel refreshed and new. I like to swap out things like pillows, wall art, throws, items on the kitchen counter. In my daughters room, I like to organize their closets and swap out the clothes that are too small. I find these things all rather enjoyable actually. Not too chore-like for me, but the accumulation of them can feel like a chore over all.
So I space them out over January before the February decorations come out from the basement. I try to accomplish one item a day.
- Now I can smile when I open the kitchen junk drawer.
- The kitchen feels like I can cook in it.
- The pantry is organized so that the oldest cans are in the front.
- The laundry room is refreshed with the linens pressed and ready for the next dinner.
- The basement is ready for another year of in and out madness.
- Our 72-hour kit is updated.
- I've cleaned out the craft drawer.
- The toys are edited.
- The kids closets are updated so I know what clothes they need and already have.
- The garage... my husband will do that when the weather warms up a bit.
We're feeling pretty good. I'm not sure what your list is like, but I think any home big or small, with kids or without could use a little of this. New Years feels like the natural time for "spring cleaning". And honestly, we need this kind of editing more than once a year.
Here's a FREE FELT HANGER TEMPLATE for your kids closets. I keep these simple and easy to swap out by using key tags and a Sharpie for the sizing. I buy kid-sized hangers here. I sew three of these for the sizing around what my daughter is currently wearing. This project takes about a half hour.
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